Porfolio Development

student with short blonde hair drawing a fox-like creature on a cintiq screen

Portfolio Development Program | 2024-25

This drawing course explores observational and imaginative drawing techniques using graphite, charcoal, and pastels. Students are introduced to observational and perspective skill-sets to strengthen their ability to communicate ideas using drawing media. Course content includes drawing from still life props, imagination, and the human figure, both undraped and costumed; which is approached through rapid gesture drawing and analytical construction.

This in-person class is perfect for students interested in LCAD’s Animation, Drawing + Painting, Entertainment Design, Experimental Animation, Game Art or Illustration programs.

100% refund of tuition is offered to students who drop or withdraw prior to the first day of class. There are no refunds after the class begins.

Supply List

  • 18” x 24” Strathmore 400 Series paper or equivalent weight drawing paper (bond)
  • One of each graphite drawing pencil: H, HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B
  • One packet of vine or willow soft charcoal sticks
  • One white charcoal pencil or white pastel pencil
  • One of each General’s charcoal drawing pencil: HB, 2B, 4B, 6B
  • One Magic Rub
  • One kneaded eraser
  • One thin box cutter
  • Portable container to hold materials such as an Art Bin plastic toolbox or something similar
  • 8 sheets Strathmore Toned Gray 19”x24” loose paper sheets (not pad)
  • 1 pack of charcoal blending stumps
  • 1 Drawing board 23”x26”
  • 1 roll of paper towels

Registration Information

Please note: Some of the class sessions include drawing from a nude model; therefore, applications from students under the age of 18 must include a signature from a parent or legal guardian.

This course is suitable for those who have little to no instruction in observational drawing. In order to meet LCAD Admissions’ portfolio standards, students should expect to complete additional work outside of this course. Please contact LCAD’s Admissions Office for more information.

Fall 2024 – 9/23-12/7 (no class 11/30 for the Thanksgiving holiday)

Spring 2025 – 1/25-3/29

Summer 2025 – 5/31-8/9 (no class 7/5 for the Independence Day holiday)

Saturdays: 9AM-Noon
Appropriate for freshman in high school and above wanting to work on skills building to create an application portfolio.
Class Cost: $300
LCAD accepts MasterCard, VISA, personal checks, and money orders.